
More Ideas for Celebrating International Listening Awareness Month

Page history last edited by Susan A. Timm, Ed.D., CLP 8 years, 6 months ago

Check out the ideas for celebrating International Listening Awareness Month that you will find in all of the Countdowns to International Listening Awareness Month in the Pages and Files tab both above and in the side bar to the right. Do you have other ideas? Share them with Susan (stimm@elgin.edu), and she'll post them here.

Barbara Nixon, says that "to honor International Listening Awareness month, I'm doing my best to post something every day on my Listening Matters blog (http://listeningmatters.wordpress.com). I've also started a new Twitter account called @ListeningTips, where I share links to content related to listening." 


Visit my blog @ http://publicrelationsmatters.com 

and my social bookmarks @ http://del.icio.us/barbaranixon

Follow me on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/barbaranixon AND http://twitter.com/listeningtips

Listening was one of the focuses of another blog: Are they not listening? You will find the blog at http://cornerstonestrategiesllc.com/blog/. Activity Presented by Shari Frisinger, Quick Connect Communication. 

Providing listening workshops is always popular during Listening Awareness Month. At both Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, and Elgin Community College in Elgin, Illinois, faculty offered free listening workshops to student organizations on campus. The campus newspapers published articles with tips for effective listening provided by the faculty as well as contact information for scheduling workshops. In addition to social organizations, some academic departments asked that this important topic be introduced to their students, faculty, and staff. Presented by Betty Schroeder, Professor Emeritus, Northern Illinois University and Susan Timm, Associate Professor, Elgin Community College



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