
March is International Listening Awareness Month

Page history last edited by Susan A. Timm, Ed.D., CLP 2 years, 11 months ago

March Into

International Listening Awareness Month 2022!




Listening During a Time of Change


43rd Annual Convention, June 3-4, 2022; Virtual


Our 43rd Annual ILA Convention will take place from 3-4 June 2022 virtually via Zoom. The convention theme is Listening During a Time of Change


Invite your colleagues, students, associates, friends, and family to join us. All can benefit from learning more about listening.


The Call for Proposals is live on our website (www.listen.org) and is available through April 10. We are seeking listening program proposals from a variety disciplines, applied settings, arts, theoretical and methodological perspectives, as well as a variety of formats and topics. 


Deadline for proposals extended to Midnight Sunday, April 10, 2022, 11:59 PM CST.

Proposal reviews will occur on a rolling basis with first acceptance notifications made on Monday, March 21, 2022.

Learn more at this link.


The theme for this 43rd annual convention is one that relates to us all. Change is all around us. Some of us are returning to a new world that is slowly but surely opening up again. Clearly many areas in our lives are seeing change. We need someone to listen to provide the necessary peace and understanding at work, at home, at play, with friends, co-workers, and family. We also need to learn how to listen to others. In the words of Margaret J. Wheatley, “Listening moves us closer, it helps us become more whole, more healthy, more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation, and fragmentation is the root of all suffering."


Contact the convention planner: 


Christopher Bond: Chris.Bond@listen.org



This site was created to inform others about this important event. Started by the International Listening Association (ILA), International Listening Awareness Month is celebrated each March. This upcoming year (2018) marks the 19th anniversary. This global celebration helps the ILA in promoting the critical role listening plays in all human activity.


The ILA promotes International Listening Awareness Month at social, educational, and professional events throughout the world; its membership represents 25 countries, including Australia, Canada, Great Britain, India, Japan, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Sweden, and the U.S., to name a few. You can learn more about the ILA by visiting its website and by reading the ILA's newsletter, Listening Post, that you can find at the ILA website.


March was chosen as International Listening Awareness Month because it provides a good lead-in to the annual ILA convention, which is usually held in March; however, this year the convention will be in the summer. We always have a great time sharing research and insights about listening..


Do you have ideas for celebrating International Listening Awareness Month? Send them to Susan at stimm@elgin.edu, and she'll post them on the page set up for ideas. That way, we can all share our ideas with each other.


Need Ideas for Celebrating? We're here for you:


  1. The Countdown to International Listening Awareness Month e-newsletters provide various ideas for celebrating this important month. You will find all of the past e-newsletters in the folder to the right entitled "Countdowns to International Listening Awareness Month".

  2. Members of the ILA are available to share their insights on listening throughout the year. If you are not a member already, and therefore, unable to access the on-line membership directory, you can e-mail the ILA Executive Director Dr. Nanette Johnson-Curiskis at info@listen.org. She will connect you with the right person(s).

  3. Connect with other listeners in our community forum at the ILA website: www.listen.org. You will find the blog postings on the right-hand side in a sidebar. Non-members can access the blogs.

  4. Why not join the ILA and celebrate listening all year round? Find out more at www.listen.org.




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