'Tis the Luck of the Irish
39th Annual Convention, June 20-23, 2018; Dublin, Ireland

Our 39th Annual ILA Convention will take place from 21-23 June 2018 at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. The convention theme is Listening Beyond Boundaries. Many of you are already excited at the prospect of attending a convention in Ireland. By the end of July, we will provide information on registration, accommodations, and travel at www.listen.org.
Invite your colleagues, students, associates, friends, and family to join us. We have space for 110 participants. Registration is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Early bird registration will open at the end of July 2017 with reduced rates for those who register early. Prices will have to increase the closer we get to June 2018.
The Call for Proposals will go live on our website (www.listen.org) at the end of July. We are seeking listening program proposals from a variety disciplines, applied settings, arts, theoretical and methodological perspectives, as well as a variety of formats and topics. We have already begun exploring many experiential, educational, and tourist activities. We will also hold a special one-day, professional development program on Listening, Health and Healing on 20 June 2018.
The theme for this 39th annual convention is one that relates to us all. Healing surely is needed in political communication, but clearly many other areas in our lives are where we need someone to listen to provide the necessary healing: at work, at home, at play, with friends, co-workers, and family. We also need to learn how to listen to others. In the words of Margaret J. Wheatley, “Listening moves us closer, it helps us become more whole, more healthy, more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation, and fragmentation is the root of all suffering."
Contact the convention planner:
Jennifer M. Grau, President
Grau Interpersonal Communication
517-484-5756 (Eastern time zone)
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